Recent Outcomes and Successes in 2008/2009
- Volunteers for Meals on Wheels served over 16,000 meals to Wilkinsburg seniors and disabled citizens in 2008.
- Through the WCM Youth Meal Partnership, over 150 Wilkinsburg at-risk youth and children with developmental challenges receive well-balanced, nutritional and consistent meals through, in partnership with five local agencies.
Through the Youth Meal Partnership program with four local agencies, WCM provided over 6,500 meals to 144 youth in the summer of 2009.
- The Wilkinsburg Emergency Food Pantry served 262 individuals and 132 families emergency food bags from January to November 2008.
- In 2008 WCM provided over 350 families with Angel Food, a program that gives approximately $60 worth of food to families for a fee of only $30.
- WCM provided 130 Holiday Food bags to Wilkinsburg families in 2008, for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Participation in the monthly Angel Food Ministries program has been steadily growing. Distribution day is on one Saturday each month. Please call (412) 241-8072 to find out which Saturday and the location.
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